Big Ideas Unlocking Genius

7,000,000,000 Possibilities

7,000,000,000 Possibilities

Greetings.  Earlier this week the 7 billionth inhabitant arrived on the planet in India, the Philippines, Egypt, Brazil, Nigeria, Europe, North America or in one of more than 230 other countries.  We can only hope that she arrived into the joyful embrace of family and friends, and into a world that will welcome him with open arms and a chance to reach the remarkable potential that lies hidden in all of us. In a world filled with great challenges but limitless possibilities.  

Yet to read the mainstream media leaves one with a most compelling sense of the problems brought on by each and every new arrival…

  • How will we feed 7,000,000,000 people?
  • How will we shelter them?
  • How will we educate them?
  • How will we protect them from disease so they can live long and healthy lives?
  • How will we protect the environment with so many people competing for its resources and polluting its air, land and water?
  • How will we create economic opportunity for everyone or, even better, create a world in which they can take their own entrepreneurial initiative to create economic opportunity for themselves and others?
  • And how will we create a world in which everyone's rights are respected and protected?

All legitimate questions–especially at a time when we face so many challenging economic, political and social concerns.

But there is another way to look at the arrival of the 7 billionth person…

As the next Leonardo DaVinci, or Albert Einstein, or Madame Curie, or Ibn Batuta, or George Washington Carver, or Steve Jobs.

As the next great innovator, or great scientist, or great educator.

As the person who will find a cure for the world's most intractable diseases.  

Or unlock the key to creating clean and abundant energy.  

Or build the world's next great company.  

Or figure out a new way to grow more food, or create more sustainable neighborhoods, or reinvent mobility, or break down the barriers that separate nations.


7 billion possibilities in a world of challenges…and opportunities.


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