Big Ideas Compelling Value Unlocking Genius

A World of Creativity

A World of Creativity

Greetings.  Looking for a spark of inspiration as you work to enhance innovation in your company or organization?  If so, you might find real value in the new issue of Fast Company magazine.  Its lead story profiles the "100 Most Creative People in Business"–scanning the worlds of business, nonprofits, government, and even entertainment and the arts to highlight people who are reinventing old industries, creating new industries, unlocking the power of new technologies, and changing the way we work, play, shop, and engage each other.  It's a quick, fun, and easy read that is certain to get you thinking differently about your business and its true potential.

Fast Company June 2011

We win in business and in life when we discover a world of geniuses around us.  And when we use their ideas and insights to think in new and powerful ways.


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