Big Ideas Books Engaging Employees Unlocking Genius

Books Worth Reading: “Drive”

Books Worth Reading: “Drive”

Greetings.  Looking for something to read this weekend?  If so, you might want to check out Dan Pink's new book called Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us.  In it, he distills some fascinating research on motivation and offers some important insights on the value and appropriateness of traditional rewards, performance reviews, the power of intrinsic motivators, and what it takes to engage and energize people to do remarkable work.  

At the heart of his formula are three essential elements:  

1.  AUTONOMY — Having choice and control over the work you do.

2.  MASTERY — Being challenged to learn and get better at work that matters.

3.  PURPOSE — Being part of something bigger.

While these aren't radical ideas to inspired corporate and HR leaders, his stories and analysis are thought-provoking and sure to give you a better understanding of what it takes to find, motivate, and retain talented people.  


We win in business and in life by giving people a chance to learn, grow, innovate, and make a difference.  And by believing that there is real genius in everyone.  What are you doing to bring out the best in all of your people?  


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