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Setting the Clock Back

Setting the Clock Back

Greetings. Some of us spend time thinking about all the things we can do to slow the aging process. Encouraged by websites, miracle diets, trendy exercise regimens, and authors who suggest that we aren’t bound by our chronological age, we are convinced that “60 is now the new 40,” “70 is now the new 50,” and there is always the chance to run a marathon, swim across the English Channel, or do cartwheels when we are in our eighties. Clearly, hope and science springs eternal. And there is reason to believe that if we do the right things in terms of eating, lifestyle, and exercise, we can delay or possibly push back the hands of Father or Mother Time long enough to pack more into our days and lives.

This notion is captured in all of its glory in a fascinating article by Lauren Kessler in the latest issue of Prevention magazine, an article that captures her twelve-month journey to turn back the hands of time or as she suggests live life “counterclockwise.” And she combines the latest research, a year of trying her hardest to make herself younger (filled with “blood, sweat, and tears”), and a wonderful sense of humor and spirit to derive a set of important lessons:


  • Your birthday is not your age.

  • Lifestyle choices can trump genes.

  • Think small; Think long haul.

  • Think young.

  • It’s actually not about being young.



They are lessons with real implications for how most of us might choose to live our lives and how companies and organizations might choose to reinvent themselves in a world where it is cool to be young. Not that we don’t want to set the proverbial clock forward when it comes to technology, innovation, being hip and creating products, services, and business practices that truly empower our customers and employees. But we should also desire to set the clock back to a time when most of us took the time to slow down, smell the coffee (I’m guessing Maxwell House), talk face-to-face, appreciate the special things about our colleagues, collaborate, and make more of a commitment to our workplaces.

To run our businesses, at least in part, counterclockwise…without the stimulation or the distraction of headphones, text messages, and less personal and human interaction.

We win in business and in life when we decide to be our youngest and our most engaged selves. By maximizing the time we have to do work and live lives that matter.


P.S. Lauren’s new book Counterclockwise: My Year of Hypnosis, Hormones, Dark Chocolate, and Other Adventures in the World of Anti-Aging is published by Rodale.

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