Big Ideas Customer Experience Unlocking Genius

Enlightened Business Summit

Enlightened Business Summit

Greetings.  On October 25 – 29th a unique and exciting business conference will be taking place with over 20,000 attendees from around the world.  They won't be gathered in a big convention hall or hanging out in a gigantic virtual lecture hall. Instead, they'll use the innovative Maestro Conference platform to participate live and interact with each other and 40 top CEOs, bestselling authors, pioneering entrepreneurs, and business thought leaders–all for free.  And since I spend most of my time thinking about innovation, learning, collaboration, and creating truly valuable experiences for customers, it sounds like a very interesting idea.

I'm also delighted to have been asked to be one of the Summit presenters alongside leaders such as Tony Hsieh of Zappos, John Mackey of Whole Foods, Bill George (the former Chairman and CEO of Medtronic and now a Harvard Business School professor), Tim Ferriss (author of "The Four-Hour Work Week"), George Zimmer of the Men's Warehouse, Christine Lynch, Casey Sheahan of Patagonia, Roxanne Emmerich, Stephen Covey, Chip Conley, and Mihaly Csikszenmihalyi.  Why they picked me is anybody's guess, but it should be a lot of fun and a great opportunity to share and exchange ideas on leadership, innovation, and unlocking genius.  

The Summit itself is designed with mainly 30-minute talks interspersed over five days, including my session on October 26th at 5:00 p.m. Pacific time, so you can still take care of all the really exciting stuff in your in-box while gaining insights from some very interesting people.  And you can participate live on as many calls as you like and interact with both the presenters and the other participants.  Or, you can listen to all of the sessions after the event by accessing the full library of recordings.

To learn more about this unique learning experience CLICK HERE


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  1. Looking forward to session. How do you get people motivated on creativity?

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