Compelling Value Customer Experience Unlocking Genius

Fast When It Matters

Fast When It Matters

Greetings.  Speed matters.  As customers we want things quickly or even instantly, and are often willing to pay a premium.  We buy faster cars, upgrade to higher-speed internet connections, use one-hour dry cleaners, buy a growing number of things on-line using overnight delivery, and wait at the door for pizza promised in 30 minutes or less.  We expect service to happen when we want it and are frustrated when it cannot or does not meet our expectations.  We see queues, robotic phone voices and waiting as the bane of our busy existence…intended merely to prolong our suffering until the company on the other end can get its act together (see yesterday's post).

As companies, we strive to be faster as though that will be the key to our success.  For some businesses "do it faster" has become the new mantra, based on the unclear assumption that speed will win over customers.  But have we mistaken this unconditional belief in speed for the need to be fast at only the most critical times in the lives of those we serve?  Times when a better and more innovative response would really making a difference.  And, if we really want to be fast at those times, wouldn't it make sense to seek ideas and inspiration from one of the fastest and most focused creatures on earth?  Perhaps studying the real genius of cheetahs, beautiful and remarkable animals designed for speed, will give us some clues. 

Cheetahs are the world's fastest land mammals, capable of speeds approaching 70 miles per hour–or about 113 kilometers per hour for those of you who measure speed in a slightly more logical way.  At their top speed it actually looks as if they are flying through the air!  In their world, speed at the right time is everything and mistakes can be costly.  Being fast when it matters determines whether they eat and whether they and their cubs will live another day.  After all, the world of the east African savannah is harsh and filled with predators like lions and hyenas that can be as much as four times their size.  Like many other animals that lack the brawn to compete against larger and stronger foes, cheetahs must survive by being more clever or faster or both.  And one might imagine the same challenge for many companies and organizations that are not the biggest competitors in their industries.

So here's the question.  Does your organization's design allow you to be consistently fast when speed matters?  If not, it might be fun and valuable to look more closely at the design of cheetahs and to imagine "mapping" your structure to the essential elements of a cheetah's body…

  • Long legs for longer strides;
  • A long tail for stability when turning quickly;
  • A very large heart and lungs to pump more blood and take in more air;
  • Feet that grip the road firmly;
  • An uncanny sense of hearing to sense prey and predators;
  • A small head to reduce wind resistance;
  • And, "tear marks" to deflect the sun's powerful rays.

It's a fun and thought-provoking approach that might allow you to rethink the way you operate in a new, simple and powerful way.

We succeed in business by being super-fast and super-skillful when it really matters.  And when we can keep our heads from slowing us down.  Are you fast enough to make a difference to those you serve?  


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