Big Ideas Just for Fun Unlocking Genius

Garden of Your Mind

Garden of Your Mind

Greetings.  Many of us grew up watching Mister Rogers' Neighborhood at a time when television was a lot simpler and more positive.  And while Fred Rogers died in 2003, the program and his ideas and guidance for children live on.  

And now there's a fun, new and musical "re-mix" of Mister Rogers' thoughts on imagination, creativity, innovation and giving ourselves time to look at the world around us with openness and a fresh set of eyes.  It's an important message that might give you a few ideas for how to spend your weekend as well as the summer ahead.  Plus, the notion that our minds are "gardens" with unlimited potential for growth is a very helpful idea…


We win in business and in life when we follow our curiosity.  And when we realize that everyone around us has insight to share.


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