Books Just for Fun

Genius on Sale

Genius on Sale

Greetings.  If you haven't read "Surrounded by Geniuses" and own a Kindle or a Kindle-enabled device now is a great time to read one of my favorite books.  I mention this less as a promotional plug and more as a unique opportunity to buy the book for a mere $1.99.  Yes, the kind folks at have decided to put the book on sale which means that for a limited time you and every one of your closest friends, colleagues, neighbors and family members can have your very own electronic copy of this award-winning book for less than half the cost of a double decaf skinny mocha chai latte with soy milk.  Or roughly half the cost of a gallon of gasoline.  Or half the cost of a "Happy Meal" at MacDonald's or an "Unhappy" meal at another fast food restaurant.  Or less than half the newstand price of the latest issue of People magazine (which you can also read for free at your dentist's office).  Or roughly one fourth the cost of a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts (which are tasty but a bit unhealthy and provide very little insight on innovation and business success).  

Seems hard to believe, doesn't it?

But before I get you too hungry to read, I'll simply leave this link ("Surrounded by Geniuses" for Kindle) and go back to drafting an even more substantive blog post for tomorrow.  After all, a sale like this won't last forever.

Or will it?

SbG Kindle Edition


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