Big Ideas Just for Fun Marketing and Sales

How Strong Are You?

How Strong Are You?

Greetings.  If you've ever tried Altoids you know that they are "curiously strong mints."  It's a boast, and a marketing concept, that's printed right on top of every box.  

But how strong are they?


"If you sail to an island, defeat a giant, and scale a mountaintop, Altoids are still stronger than you."

Now that's strong!  And it's also a fun way to get people to spend a little bit more time thinking about a product that they use but take for granted.  A simple product that is trying to leverage the power of curiosity as a way to generate more interest and buzz.  In fact, the Altoids website contains a "Hall of Curiosity" where you can learn more "curious" and ever changing facts about the mint "so strong it changed the course of history."

Which begs the following questions:  "How strong are you?"  "What strengths do you have that really matter to those you have the privilege to serve?"  And, "What are you doing on a consistent basis to invest in your strengths and genius so you can deliver even greater value and possibly change the course of history?"

Because if a breath mint is that important, your company or organization must have a pretty impressive upside too!


We win in business and in life by accentuating our strengths in a way that is upbeat, helpful and even silly.

Cheers and have a great weekend!

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