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Independence Day

Independence Day

Greetings.  It's the 4th of July or Independence Day in the U.S., a day that marks the 234th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence and the "birth" of the United States as an independent nation.  And in big cities, suburbs, and small towns alike the day is being celebrated with parades, picnics, and fireworks.  

The most famous words of the document set a big hairy audacious goal for a brand new nation–a goal that we continue to try to achieve with each new generation of Americans:  

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

We might also suggest that these powerful words imply the right to be curious and open to new possibilities, and the right to work together in order to reach our full potential.  These are innate human gifts that strike at the heart of what makes America so innovative, entrepreneurial, and at our best welcoming and generous.

Fourth of July 

We win as countries and organizations when we acknowledge and celebrate the rights of everyone–every citizen, every employee, every customer, and everyone else who has a vital role in our success.  And when we give everyone with honest intentions a chance to make their mark.

Cheers and have an inspired holiday! 

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