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Notes from India

Notes from India

Greetings.  During the past week in India I've seen a million pictures worth taking and been stirred to think about many things in new ways.  That's one of the joys of traveling to a place that is very different from home.  And while I'll look forward to sharing some detailed experiences later in the week when I have access to a better internet connection–including the celebration of the Indian holiday of Holi in the city of Faizabad over the weekend–let me at least offer a few fun notes before I head out along the Ganges River to explore the ancient Hindu city of Varanasi.

First, cows are everywhere.  Cows that people own and cows that simply wander around the countryside and the cities.  Even the largest cities.  Cows resting in a park or grazing on the median strip of major roads.  Cows wandering through crowded markets or crossing busy intersections.  Cows strolling through 300 year-old Hindu temples.  And because they are sacred even the craziest of drivers is careful to avoid hurting then.  Which raises the question:  "What could you do to have such an honored position in the lives of your customers?"

Second, many people have told me that historically India was a place where people lived for today.  They woke up and thought about what they would do that morning without thinking about the future, and this approach to life offered a great sense of calm and contentment.  While this is beginning to change, it does suggest asking:  "What would you do differently in your company or organization if you were focused entirely on making each day perfect–one day at a time?"

Third, many people from this part of India bring their loved ones to Varanasi to be cremated when they die.  And it is believed that people who die and are cremated in this sacred city automatically go to heaven.  In fact, cremations occur here 24/7, 365 days a year…which begs the question (at least to me):  "What could your company or organization offer its customers 'nonstop' if it wanted to take them to a higher place?"

Cheers for now!


Comment (1)

  1. Beth Plotkins

    Your blogs from India have been really enjoyable. The stories you tell paint pictures so vivid that I feel like I can see, hear and taste the country. It’s a great bridge between the last vestiges of weary brown Washington and the color and promise of spring.
    The traffic situation makes my commute seem like a cakewalk!
    Enjoy the rest of your trip. I hope that you are taking photos.
    Warm regards,
    Beth Plotkins

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