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Real Innovation or Clever Marketing?

Real Innovation or Clever Marketing?

Greetings. The recent ad campaign for the new Adidas “Spring Blade” running shoe made it seem remarkable. In fact, I started to imagine that this might be the greatest innovation in the history and science of running since the actual invention of the shoe or the development of smooth pavement. A marvel of modern technology that could instantly transform me into an Olympic-caliber athlete the moment I laced them up. Be still my pounding heart!

And all because the folks at this leading athletic apparel company decided to rethink the way that running shoes might work by forming a sole with sixteen super high tech polymer blades (or springs) designed to create explosive energy that would literally launch runners (or in my case joggers) forward while requiring less effort. Blades “tuned” to provide perfect support in each phase of a runner’s stride.

The only real question is whether this is brilliant innovation or simply brilliant marketing. And if you have $180 to spend you can see for yourself on August 1st when they arrive at your favorite running store or online retailer. And please let me know what you think…because in the mind of this middle-aged athlete and technology enthusiast hope springs eternal!

Springblade 1

We win in business and in life when we capture the imagination of those we have the privilege to serve. And when we enable them to reach new heights of performance and success.


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