Big Ideas Compelling Value Marketing and Sales

“Sustainable Competitive Advantage”

“Sustainable Competitive Advantage”

Greetings.  While we're on the topic of what it takes to stand out from the pack, find time to read and think about Seth Godin's blog and his post yesterday on how companies can create sustainable competitive advantage:

If you're not familiar with Seth, his blog, or his many books, I think you will really enjoy them.  He is a very insightful marketer with a real gift for understanding and explaining how to connect with customers and how to build a powerful and valued brand.  If I could put even five percent of his ideas into practice, I would be viewed as a real genius.


Comment (1)

  1. TJ

    I love Seth and his original insights into viral marketing were trendsetting.
    One thing to quibble with is that he defines FaceBook as a successful web company. For the record, I don’t believe FaceBook makes any money… in fact, it loses money.
    My definition of a successful company has a few elements to it but the first one is being profitable.
    Being unprofitable defines an unsustainable business model.

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