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Comfortable Shoes

Comfortable Shoes

Greetings.  I'm regularly asked how to unlock genius and innovation, and I quickly answer that the real key is a pair of comfortable shoes.  Yes, they are as close to a "silver bullet" or "magic pill" as I have ever found.  An absolutely fool proof way to transform all of our companies and organizations into veritable engines of brilliance!  And the reason is very simple.  Innovation is really all about combining our best thinking with the best ideas and insights of others–other people, other industries, other walks of life and even other points in time.  And we'll never find them by sitting on our collective bottoms.  Instead, we need to engage the world head-on with a sense of curiosity and openness to the possibilities that are all around us.  In the practices of leading businesses and organizations, the energy of bustling city streets and lively neighborhoods, the stories told and painted in great museums and local galleries, the traditions of other cultures, the creativity and power of remarkable performances or the wonder of nature in a favorite park.  Anyplace that is remarkable deserves our attention.


So next time you are trying to figure out how to deliver even greater value to your customers, or you find yourself wrestling with another important challenge or opportunity, begin by taking a walk in search of inspiration.  You'll be amazed by what you discover.

Curiosity is a gift you were born with.  Combined with a comfortable pair of shoes, it might just be your real key to business success.

Have a fun and curious weekend…


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