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The Power of a Guarantee

The Power of a Guarantee

Greetings.  If you've read Surrounded by Geniuses, you know that I love guarantees.  Real guarantees.  The ones that actually let the customer decide if they are satisfied with a product, service or solution.  Not those wimpy 90-day warranties on things that cost hundreds and thousand dollars.  Tell me that you really stand behind what you sell and I'll gladly sign up to be your customer–assuming, of course, that I have a real need for what you have to offer.  

That's why I adore Leon Leonwood Bean, and why you and your colleagues should have his picture hanging in your boardroom right next to the giant glossy picture of your customers.  He's the guy who, in 1912, had the audacity to create a shoe with a lifetime guarantee.  Talk about being nuts.  Yet today, the L.L. Bean company continues to stand behind every single product they offer.  Boots, sweaters, bicycles, tents, kayaks, fishing gear.  Even umbrellas.  Unconditionally!  All with the same promise…


Which makes me wonder what could be more powerful in helping to set your company or organization apart from the pack than an "unconditional" guarantee of satisfaction?  In fact, how could we lose if we offered (and delivered on) a guarantee that really mattered?  Which leads me to the following questions:
  • What does your company or organization guarantee to those you serve?  And, 
  • What guarantee could you create that would change the game in your industry?  
Take a few moments to think about these questions with the geniuses you work with.  Or better yet, get off your butts and wander around town in search of real guarantees for products, services and solutions.  Then come back and create your own.  It could be the key to your future success.
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