Big Ideas Engaging Employees Unlocking Genius

The Power of Imagination

The Power of Imagination

Greetings.  Even today the very thought of sending a person to the moon seems somewhat amazing–a bold idea that became a reality forty-three years ago when an awe-struck Neil Armstrong stepped foot on the dusty, imperfect surface of our closest friend in the universe.  An odd and unassuming place that helped to create our calendar, influence our tides, affect our moods, cause women and many other mammals to go into labor earlier than they might otherwise, and inspire legions of stories about love, possibilities and even jumping cows.  

And then to welcome a guy stepping out of a silly and remarkable spacecraft.

The passing of Neil Armstrong should give all of us reason to think back to a time when anything was possible and to think ahead to what might be possible in the future.  A time to think about whether or not our hopes and dreams are big enough as people, organizations, nations and a collective world.  About whether you and your company are really living up to your full potential by combining vision, spirit, technology and hope in a way that might deliver much greater value to customers in addressing a problem or need that really matters.

So if you do nothing else in remembering Neil Armstrong–and all of the men and women who made his journey possible–at least take a few minutes to imagine what it would take to become more remarkable.  

Then set a goal, a timeline and a star or a moon to guide you.



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