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Virtual Healthcare

Virtual Healthcare

Greetings.  There are a lot of ways that technology can be used to improve health and reduce the cost of healthcare.  One very exciting alternative is the use of video systems that connect local and regional hospitals to specialists in major medical centers who can provide expert diagnosis, second opinions, and even recommend appropriate treatment.  This is particularly powerful when time is of the essence, in cases such as stroke or severe trauma, and it isn't possible to get the necessary expertise directly to the patient.  Using a remote camera, smaller hospitals now have the ability to tap just the right specialist who can quickly "see" and assess the patient, review any tests that have been done, and communicate directly with the local medical team.  To learn more about this new development, check out today's feature by Ben Worthen in the Wall Street Journal.

Then try to imagine the role that a similar technology could play in making your company or organization more collaborative internally and more responsive in delivering compelling value to the customers you serve.  Here's a wonderful case of genius that is readily available and affordable that takes us far beyond the notion of simply using video to "conference" with our remote colleagues.  So try to stretch your thinking about the power of this and other related technologies in rethinking your business.  

We win in business and in life by bringing the right expertise to bear as quickly as possible.  What can you do today to provide your customers with all of your organization's genius?


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