Big Ideas Engaging Employees Unlocking Genius

You Matter Because You Are Here

You Matter Because You Are Here

Greetings.  It's the start of a new year and, even though I can't figure out what to call it (i.e., is it "Two-thousand-ten" or "Twenty-ten" or "O-ten"?), I have a sense that it could be a year of real possibilities for you and your organization.  If you've read Surrounded by Geniuses and followed this blog during its initial few months, you know that I have a strong belief in the genius of people and teams at all levels of companies and organizations.  A belief that they have the ability, with the right leadership and support, to come up with new ideas that deliver value to customers and improve bottom-line performance.  Yet more often than not, most people come to work and leave each day without a real sense that they matter.  

So as you and your colleagues start this new year, why not make a resolution to let everyone you work with know that they do matter.  That we can't succeed without them.  That their unique skills, energy, interests, perspectives, ideas, and passion are essential to our business.  That we need them now, more than ever before, to be powerful engines of innovation.  Then commit to letting them know, each and every day, that they make a real difference–that they matter because they are here.

It's a simple enough thing to do, and yet most of us forget to do it.  But it's vital if we are truly committed to engaging employees and unlocking the best they have to give.

Office Workers 

We win in business and in life by showing our appreciation for those around us.  And, in doing so, by giving them the courage and the will to stretch, grow, and make a difference.  

Cheers and best wishes for the start of a new year filled with great promise!

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